Golden Gate #3

Pattern Inspiration: Gate #3GoldieGate3

The beauty in this gate, I think, is in the combination of patterns.

The sunburst in the lower portion is fun, and despite the fairly drab mustard color paint (which, as you can see, I tried to "liven up" with some blues and greens), the overall effect is fairly happy-making. Plus, if you look carefully, you can see the sun reflecting one of the heart-shaped side gate patterns to the right of the door! But my favorite part of this whole setup is the design at the top.

Big surprise there! There are lines or breaks in the gate that split the squares into triangles, making this a smorgasbord of triangle piecing. So, in other words, get ready to see some triangulation... my own definition of it, anyway... I already bought the fabric for this one.

Stay tuned for updates, or head on over to my Instagram feed to see my work in progress.

Thanks for all the support, guys!
